My Story
Have you ever dreamed about working from home??
So, I have wanted to work from home for sooooo long!! Then the opportunity actually came at the perfect time. I was not doing so well health wise and my job at the time was not wanting to work with me either. I talked with my husband about Scentsy and what it has to offer before I joined. I knew I needed him backing me before I said I wanted to join.
So after talking about it he was 💯 percent behind me and whatever decision I was going to make!! I had no idea on how to run a business or where to even get started, I just jumped in feet first.
My first month I believe I sold 500 in sales which was waaaaay better then I ever thought I was going to be able to do. From then on I knew I was able to do this and kept pushing forwards. The best part was all the help and support I received from all of the other consultants!! 😍
I have also had some hard times. Not every month for me has been easy, and sometimes I have absolutely no motivation or I have kind of lost my way. I have had a difficult time with booking parties and hearing "no" a lot. I bounced back from these times by reaching out to the consultants I knew would help me get back on track.
So needless to say I quit my job after a few months of starting my own business and I would have to say I am soooo much happier, and health wise I have been able to go to my appointments and not have to worry about asking for time off. I aldo am able to get the gorls to all of thier appointments, and make as many sports games as I can!!
I have made some amazing friends along the way and am excited to make even more!! 🤩 I have been with Scentsy since 2019 and have been able to homeschool our girls during Covid. I know when covid happened a lot of parents were scrambling to figure out what they were going to do. Well I guess God had amazing plans for me as he was setting me up for when disaster struck. 😂
I ABSOLUTELY love the freedom that Scentsy has provided for me!! I don't have to worry about taking time off to get the kids and myself to their appointments, or even getting to work on time as I love to stay in my pajamas!! 🤷 I am most definitely not a morning person what so ever. 😂 So at the end of the day I would have to say I am beyond greatful that Scentsy has been such a blessing to my family.
If you would like to join me and start your own scentsy journey, PLEASE reach out with any questions you may have!! Thank you and God bless.